I take a lot of photos, and these are some of my favorites.
Landscapes & Long Exposure
Aurora borealis and a plane visible in SouthWest Montana. 56 second exposure.
Aurora borealis and Polaris visible in SouthWest Montana. 10 minute, 40 second exposure.
Aurora borealis visible in SouthWest Montana. 2 minute, 34 second exposure.
Milky Way visible over a small town, SouthWest Montana
Semi truck passing a lake, SouthWest Montana. 45 second exposure.
Badlands, South Dakota
Milky Way, SouthWest Montana
Semi truck passing between camera and Milky Way, SouthWest Montana.
Milky Way, SouthWest Montana
Rail trestle on a smoky night, 10:51 PM, SouthWest Montana. 79 second exposure.
Stars over SouthWest Montana. 32 minute expsoure.
Busy road and mountain, 11:09 PM, SouthWest Montana. 34 second exposure.
River and mountains, NorthWest Montana.
Clouds over a designated scenic overlook, South Dakota.
River and mountains, SouthWest Montana
Star trails over landscape, 1:39 AM, SouthWest Montana. 20 minute, 36 second exposure.
Big dipper over landscape, 1:55 AM, SouthWest Montana. 8 minute, 27 second exposure.
Big dipper over landscape, 1:55 AM, SouthWest Montana. 8 minute, 27 second exposure.
Star trails over landscape, 2:27 AM, SouthWest Montana. 6 minute, 27 second exposure.
Building and mining equipment, SouthWest Montana.
Abandoned cabin, SouthWest Montana
Building reflected in puddle. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Empty street after rainfall. Allston, Massachusetts.
St. Anthony's Church. Allston, Massachusetts.
Abandoned building. Waterbury, Connecticut
Abandoned house, SouthWest Montana.
Portrait of a friend. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Portrait of a friend. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Portrait of a friend. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Portrait of a friend. Allston, Massachusetts.
Portrait of a friend. Allston, Massachusetts.
Portrait of a friend. Allston, Massachusetts.
Portrait of a friend. Near Waterbury, Connecticut.
Portrait of a friend. Allston, Massachusetts.
Snail. Allston, Massachusetts.
Fourier transform notes. Allston, Massachusetts.
Canned cranberry sauce. Allston, Massachusetts.
Grasshopper. SouthWest Montana.
Abandoned railroad. SouthWest Montana.
Gallus Frame. Butte, Montana. 10 second exposure with variable focal length.
Sculpture park. South Dakota.
Sculpture park. South Dakota.
Hailstorm on deck. SouthWest Montana.
Facade of a building reflected off of marble floor. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Junkyard. Connecticut.
Junkyard. Connecticut.
Junkyard. Connecticut.
Dead tree. Southwest Montana.
Abandoned gear. Southwest Montana.
Boots. Southwest Montana.
Squirrel. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Windmill. South Dakota.
Fireworks. SouthWest Montana.
Fireworks. SouthWest Montana.